If you were ever to need to use a dock that only works with 30-pin iOS devices with an iPhone 5 (new iPod, iPad 4, or iPad Mini works too), what are you to do? Try an adapter! Starting at $29.99, these adapters can convert 30-pin adapters to Lightning cables. They come in two forms. There's a stub ($29.99) that is about the size of my thumb (keep in mind that as a teen, that I have relatively small thumbs) and is pocket sized. The other is a cord ($39.99). It looks like a charger cable. They have the same name as each other, so make sure you double check what you are buying. Either could work and there's really no disadvantage to either one other than price. I hope this will help you.
All of your Mac and iOS questions and rumors can be answered! How? Easy! Just ask a teenager! What's better? Ask an Apple Certified teenager! Ask me! Alex! Writing once every single day since 2012!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Do Not Disturb
If you're ever in a meeting or don't want to be bothered by a call while sleeping, enable Do Not Disturb. It silences all notifications. This is available in iOS 6. Go to Settings, and switch it on. Tap it again to turn it off. You can also have it scheduled by going to Settings > Notifications > Do Not Disturb. Choose the time that's right for you. You can also customize the terms of Do Not Disturb. I hope this helps you guys.
Friday, December 28, 2012
System Status
Do you ever wonder how Apple's Systems are going? You know, behind the scenes. Then, go to http://www.apple.com/support/systemstatus/.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tech21 Impact Mesh Case for iPhone 5 Review
This case is super light! That's first off. I have the Orange/Clear version and it looks great on my white iPhone 5. Not to mention that this case compliments my new RuggedKey by LaCie. It even keeps the beauty of an iPhone. I'm not sure about durability, but it seems pretty good. I'm not going to throw my new iPhone at the ground. Anyways, I give this product five-out-five Geek Glasses. It's great.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Getting Started: iPhone
Congratulations on buying the iPhone. Let's get started. Turn on the iPhone by pressing and holding the top button until a screen appears. You should see the word "iPhone" appear along with a slider that says the phrase "Slide to set up" in multiple languages. It doesn't matter what language the slider says, just slide it. Then, select the language, country, Wi-Fi, and your phone should activate. Then, enter you Apple ID. If this is your first Apple product, create an Apple ID. After that, configure these last few settings. FaceTime and iMessage numbers/emails, Siri, Find My iPhone, and Diagnostics. You are ready to use an amazing phone that tops all of the others.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas!
Today is Christmas! I hope you have a great day. I got my very first iPhone this morning! It's an iPhone 5! I hope your Christmas is as merry as mine! Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Follow Santa on Christmas Eve!
Today, follow Santa with this nifty site that Google and Santa's elves put together! It's really cool! The address is:
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Our next series...
After Christmas is over, I'm going to be posting complete articles on how to start up with whatever tech product you got for the holidays. Products like the iPad (Shocker, right?), iPhone, and other products. I hope you will enjoy this series. It will be called, "Getting Started." Until then, Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Why there isn't as much tech news...
If you haven't noticed, here is much news during the Holiday season. That's because everyone has announced their ideas for the year and they're waiting for the fourth-quarter results. Anyway, sorry about the short post today. I'm finishing holiday preparations at my house. See you tomorrow!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Happy Winter!
Today is the first day of Winter. And I am personally going to stay away from the whole "End of Mayan Calendar" thing. Winter is great! I hope you guys have good luck with gift giving if you haven't already done it. Sorry that it's a short post today. Thanks! Welcome to the new season.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Coding Talk 4 Geeks
This "Coding Talk 4 Geeks" thing is our temporary replacement for our little, failed Starbucks Chatter idea. What it is is a Google Group. To learn more, go to https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/coding-talk-4-geeks .
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Need to find the Perfect Gift?
With less than a week until Christmas, you might still need some help finding a good gift for the geek in your life. Check out the Holiday Gift List 4 Geeks. It has a whole list of gifts. The URL is http://techtalk4geeks.blogspot.com/p/holiday.html . I hope this helps you.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Google Maps 4 iPhone: Released
I probably should've talked about this a long time ago. Last week, Google bright their map system to iOS as a free app from the App Store. I'm sure you've heard about the whole thing that's been going on with Apple's map system. If not, check out my other posts about the map system. Check out the video:
Monday, December 17, 2012
Ejecting a CD/DVD... Like a Geek!
To eject a CD or DVD from your Mac, open Terminal. This is where some coding comes in. It's weird to type text into it at first. Ignore all of the prewritten code and just type:
drutil eject
The Mac interprets this as a command to eject the disc from your Mac. Have fun!
drutil eject
The Mac interprets this as a command to eject the disc from your Mac. Have fun!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Google Lights a Candle for Tragedy in Newtown
In Newtown, Connecticut, there was a shooting that killed 26 people, the majority being children. No one should have to go through something like this. To honor those lost, Google has lit a candle on their website to remember them. When you hover your cursor over the candle, it will say, "Our hearts are with the families and community of Newtown, Connecticut." If you haven't heard about this event, click here. I wish those who lost loved ones in this awful event, hope and a lasting legacy for those who were lost.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
What we've learned from our event
Today, Tech Talk 4 Geeks hosted an event. For those who attended, I would like to apologize for the slow and bad connections. Next time, events will be hosted at home, where there should be faster wireless. No programming took place. I are sorry and will begin revising the next event. Thank you.
- Alex Baratti
- Alex Baratti
Friday, December 14, 2012
Programming Chatter at Starbucks
Do you like programming? Do you like Java programming? Do you like Starbucks? If so, then this is 4 you! This Saturday, Tech Talk 4 Geeks is hosting the very first, "Programming Chatter at Starbucks"! I'll work on the name. The point is that this is the chance for us geeks to unite! Short notice? Maybe. But, all you have to do is go to a Starbucks this Saturday at 11 AM PST. Here's how it works:
- Be sure to have a Google+ account.
- Pack your computer, power cord, and have your programming software prepared.
- Go to any Starbucks with an Internet connection.
- Grab a drink.
- Set up and join the Hangout (online video chat).
- Have fun!
I hope you guys come!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Apple and Foursquare
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"Find Maps for your [iOS Device] App Collection Picture Source: Mashable |
"En route to SF for the week. (@ John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) w/@andrewparker) http://4sq.com/YWBTEE "
- Denis Crowley
"I'm at Apple - Valley Green 2 (Cupertino, CA) http://4sq.com/SdfrUE "
- Eddie CueThis could save Apple Maps with a partnership with Foursquare.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Find My iPhone Update 2.0.1
Apple released a new update for the Find My iPhone app. This allows you to get directions to your device within the app. This requires iOS 6. The app also has details and options of the device to be hidden until tapped. This is probably used to prevent accidental deletion or locking of iOS devices.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
iOS 6 Compatibility
iOS 6 is the most-advanced operating system for mobile devices. However, this only works on select devices. It works on iPhones including the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 5. iPad compatibility includes the iPad 2, iPad 3 (Discontinued), iPad 4 (iPad with Retina Display), and the iPad Mini. iPod Touch fourth-generation and fifth-generation work with iOS 6. I hope this helps out the people still upgrading to iOS 6.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Protect Your Password
No matter how cliché it is, always protect your iTunes password. If someone were to change it or even find out what it is, they would have total control of your iOS devices. This means they could wipe your items. If one of your iOS devices is wiped, quickly turn on Airplane Mode and take them away from any connection IMMEDIATELY. A device can be wiped or locked within seconds. Be sure to pick a good password in the first place. Apple Certified Support Professionals (including myself) must change their passwords every 90 days if they do not log in to their master account. You cannot change your password over the phone either. To reset a password, you may need a birthday, so be sure you didn't make a fake one. I hope this helps protect vital information for those who need it.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Nintendo Land: Multiplayer Review
The multiplayer mode in Nintendo Land is awesome! It gets a party started. However, you might want more than one Wii U for a larger party though. There was very intuitive use of the game pad. Unfortunately, one team or the other team has a HUGE advantage. In Mario Chase, the Toads have such an advantage. They seem faster and can easily find Mario. Mario only has the map. And they have a whole five minutes to find him. In Luigi's Mansion, the ghost has the advantage. He can seek up without notice except for the rumbling of Wii Remotes. However, my favorite game is Metroid Blast. It's so much fun to be the ship. It's the ultimate machine. Anyways, I give this game four-out-of-five Geek Glasses.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Nintendo Land: Coming Soon
Sorry about the late post. I was out all day today. However, I was able to get some hands-on with the Wii U and will put up a post of the review tomorrow. Until then, good night.
P.S. I'm sorry about how short this post is.
P.S. I'm sorry about how short this post is.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Evernote Peek
If you need a better way to study, Evernote Peek is the app for you. It makes studying much more fun. It takes full advantage of the iPad Smart Cover (Sorry! No iPhone compatibility) and makes a new sort of interface. It lets you "peek" to see the question and answer. I suggest you try it out for yourself to understand but, you'll need the Evernote app (or at least an Evernote account with notebooks) as well with any Evernote app (Evernote Peek, Evernote Hello, etc.). This is a great app. And it's FREE! So, what's stopping you? Go get it today!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
YouTube Update
As of iOS 6, Apple removed the YouTube app. However, Google released the app on the App Store. There was only one little glitch. It wasn't iPad native. This was bad for Google and there wasn't the right feel for the iPad. Now, the new update brings iPad support. Be sure to update the app if you have it on your iPad.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Let's get Productive: Google Drive
Welcome to the first edition of "Let's get Productive", a series of posts to make you work more efficiently. This is obviously about Google Drive so let's get started. One of my most helpful tools in Google Drive is the reference bar on the right when editing a document. It's a small window that lets you Google anything. You can get quick and easy citations (which is perfect for those school reports) and quick facts. Be sure to set the preference of your citation prior to your search (MLA, APA, etc.). I hope this helps.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
iTunes Store Launches in Russia and Turkey
It's hard to imagine life without iTunes. And that's what it was like before. Now, Russia and Turkey have access to cheap and good music. Apple may have an event tomorrow for these countries to celebrate. And that's pretty much it. Thanks!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Google Top Contributors
I think we all can agree that I'm not the biggest Android fan. However, I think Google makes some great products. Their search engine makes up a lot of my life. YouTube helps me with programming an iPhone app. Google+ helps me connect with you guys (+Alex Baratti). But of all these products may require a little online face-to-face help. That's where Google Top Contributors come in. Top Contributors are the tech experts at Google. I hope to earn this status soon as I recently started to answer questions about Blogger. Just so you know, Blogger is the service that actually hosts this site. The route of becoming a top contributor tends to take at least four months. First, participate in the community. At least on most days. Second, learn. It doesn't matter if you're the ultimate Google fan that knows everything. There are knowledgeable people out there. And it doesn't hurt to expand your knowledge. Third, submit a small form to Google (Scroll down to step three and click on the link to find the form). Next, you may become a "Rising Star". This is a status that means you're pretty advanced. You also get your own Google resource if you need help. After that, sharpen your skills and practice clean, concise grammar. Brush up on your knowledge and keep posting. Practice connecting to your reader(s) and hope that they can use you for help again. Always be sure to use appropriate language and give accurate information. In the following months, you might just be a Top Contributor. Here's a video by Google to give an overview of this whole thing. Thanks!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The new iMacs are out!
Currently, both of the new, ultra-slim iMacs are out. 21" and 27" are both out. I hope to review one soon at an Apple Store. If you haven't seen these iMacs in pictures, you need to.
To learn more about the new iMac, go to http://www.apple.com/imac/ .
Sorry for the short post today. This is what's current. Longer post soon.
To learn more about the new iMac, go to http://www.apple.com/imac/ .
Sorry for the short post today. This is what's current. Longer post soon.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
iTunes 11: Review
iTunes 11 gave me an interesting experience. First of all, this is so simple a newcomer to Apple can use it with the fundamentals or so simple that a veteran may not be able to live without the sidebar. Lucky for you guys I can fix all of that.
You can still get the classic iTunes experience with a modern feel. |
I found a quick way to easily get the old sidebar back. Simply go to the menu, hit View > Show Sidebar. And there it is.
Back to the review, the new iTunes is great. It does what it has said. The only thing it has removed is iTunes DJ. It lets people vote on the next song from their iPhone and iPod Touches. Not on iPad. Other than that, I give the new iTunes five-out-of-five Geek Glasses.
Here's some screenshots I've captured:
Friday, November 30, 2012
iTunes 11: Finally!
iTunes 11 finally came out. I hope to get a full review out as I have not tried it yet but first, I want to go over what we've been waiting for.
First up is Up Next. It's a feature that should've been added a long time ago. However, it's my favorite because its such a simple thing. Right-click on any media, click "Add to Up Next", and you're done! It's so simple. I just wish that it was for iOS. I tend to play music more on my iOS devices rather than my Mac. Granted, there is the remodeled Remote app that allows you to use Up Next for your Mac from your iOS device. Why not for iOS? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am sure that Up Next isn't for iOS.
Now that I'm done with that, let's get on to the Mini Player. Mini Player has been in iTunes for such a long time and it keeps getting better. It gives you the standard play/pause and fast-forward/rewind controls. It also has an AirPlay button that lets you stream your media to speakers and the Apple TV. Up Next is also included and a search box is packed in to allow you to find any media quickly.
The new album layout is stunning. It acts as if you have an entire album even if you only own one song. The new iCloud integration works within your library. Meaning you don't have to go to the store to re-download something.
Those are the key and my favorite features of iTunes 11. I hope to review it soon! To learn more about iTunes 11, go to apple.com/iTunes .
First up is Up Next. It's a feature that should've been added a long time ago. However, it's my favorite because its such a simple thing. Right-click on any media, click "Add to Up Next", and you're done! It's so simple. I just wish that it was for iOS. I tend to play music more on my iOS devices rather than my Mac. Granted, there is the remodeled Remote app that allows you to use Up Next for your Mac from your iOS device. Why not for iOS? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am sure that Up Next isn't for iOS.
Now that I'm done with that, let's get on to the Mini Player. Mini Player has been in iTunes for such a long time and it keeps getting better. It gives you the standard play/pause and fast-forward/rewind controls. It also has an AirPlay button that lets you stream your media to speakers and the Apple TV. Up Next is also included and a search box is packed in to allow you to find any media quickly.
The new album layout is stunning. It acts as if you have an entire album even if you only own one song. The new iCloud integration works within your library. Meaning you don't have to go to the store to re-download something.
Those are the key and my favorite features of iTunes 11. I hope to review it soon! To learn more about iTunes 11, go to apple.com/iTunes .
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Laser Pointer in Keynote for iOS
To use the laser-pointer feature in a presentation on Keynote for iOS, open the Keynote app. From here, you must select the presentation that you would like to use. Press the play button at the top-right corner. Finally, tap and hold at any point on the screen and there's your laser pointer.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Evolution of the iPod Connector
The iPod Connector has much more history than you might think. When the iPod was introduced, it used FireWire instead of USB. FireWire is a port that is mainly on Macs. These connectors are much bigger than your new Lightning or even 30-pin connector for an iPad. PCs couldn't use them. Soon, it used USB. And syncing data across FireWire was removed from history. Just so you know, during this entire time, the iPod Shuffle uses the headphone jack as a data port. With modern products like the iPad, Apple made a 30-pin connector that snaps and stays in place. And then came the Lightning cable. The fast and reversible connector that we use today. With eight pins parallel on each side, this is the smallest cable yet. And that's the evolution of the iPod connector in a nutshell.
Evolution in Pictures:
Evolution in Pictures:
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With FireWire. |
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Larger with USB. |
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Snaps into place. |
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Reversible with eight pins. |
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
New iMac May Go On Sale Today!
Apple's ultra-slim iMac may be released today! It has no official release date nor has this rumor been confirmed. Plus, it is only the 21" display. The 27" comes in December. At least that's what Apple says. My speculation says that the new iTunes will come out the same day as the iMac (21") as Apple makes a habit of releasing products on the same day as each other. Even with the unexpected delay of the iTunes 11 release, this may just work out. We will see.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Text to Speech
To hear this article or any text in words that you can select, highlight all the words you would like to hear on your Mac, right-click (if right-clicking doesn't work, try holding the control button and click), and select Speech > Start Speaking. Your Mac should start speaking. If it doesn't, your volume probably isn't turned on. To stop it, repeat the process, but instead of selecting "Start Speaking", go down the menu and select "Stop Speaking".
Sunday, November 25, 2012
iPad had the majority of web traffic on Black Friday
On Black Friday, the iPad had the majority of web traffic for mobile devices and tablets. Strangely enough, the Kindle beat Galaxy tablets as Kindles, in my opinion, are not as great web browsers but, I guess if you're going to buy from Amazon, you might want to do it from an Amazon Kindle.
Source: IBM Analytics
Picture Source: IBM
Source: IBM Analytics
Picture Source: IBM
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Iris: Android's new voice-assistant
Iris is a free app on the Android App Store developed by a Android developer. And yes, it is Siri spelled backwards. Unfortunately for Android users, it's a bad copy of Siri. Simple questions are not answered. Math is incorrect and many answers make no sense. What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
Happy 100th!
Yes! It's come! This is the 100th post I've published so far. I can't believe that we've come so far in the past few months. I thank you all in helping me come to this point! You guys inspire me to get up early in the morning every morning to publish a new post. I'm glad to say that there is somebody out there reading my posts. So thank you so much! I hope to bring you more tech related posts later today but for now, thank you!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Happy Black Friday!
It's the day after Thanksgiving! It's time for those late night shopping sprees for the parents. Be sure to check out my Holiday Gift List 4 Geeks for help finding a good tech gift. The web address is http://www.techtalk4geeks.blogspot.com/p/holiday.html . Happy Holidays everyone!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Apple Recipe
In honor of Thanksgiving, I am going to share a baked Apple recipe. Try doing that with an Android. Here are the ingredients:
4 large baking apples
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 cup of chopped pecans (optional)
1/4 cup of raisins
1 Tbsp of butter
3/4 cup of boiling water
1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Wash apples. Remove cores to 1/2 inch of the bottom of the apples. It helps if you have an apple corer
, but if not, you can use a paring knife to cut out first the stem area, and then the core. Use a spoon to dig out the seeds. Make the holes about 3/4-inch to an inch wide.
2. In a small bowl, combine the sugar, cinnamon, currants/raisins, and pecans. Place apples in a 8-inch-by-8-inch square baking pan. Stuff each apple with this mixture. Top with a dot of butter (1/4 of the Tbps).
4 large baking apples
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 cup of chopped pecans (optional)
1/4 cup of raisins
1 Tbsp of butter
3/4 cup of boiling water
1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Wash apples. Remove cores to 1/2 inch of the bottom of the apples. It helps if you have an apple corer
2. In a small bowl, combine the sugar, cinnamon, currants/raisins, and pecans. Place apples in a 8-inch-by-8-inch square baking pan. Stuff each apple with this mixture. Top with a dot of butter (1/4 of the Tbps).
3. Add boiling water to the baking pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes, until tender, but not mushy. Remove from the oven and baste the apples several times with the pan juices.
Serve warm with vanilla ice cream on the side.
Recipe Credit: Elise from Simply Recipes
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!Wednesday, November 21, 2012
New iPhone 5 Ads
Apple recently uploaded some new ads named "Orchestra" and "Turkey". They're pretty funny. Check them out!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Oprah tweets about how she loves her Surface… from an iPad!
So the other day, Oprah tweeted about her Surface using the hash tag, #favoritethings. The thing is, she tweeted from an iPad! I guess after 5,000 tweets, she didn't notice that all tweets show the device of origin. Perhaps it's a partnership with Microsoft. Or she made a joke on purpose. This is flooding the airways. You can search "Oprah iPad" and it will come up for the time being. What do you think?
Picture Source: MacRumors
Monday, November 19, 2012
Mac OS X 10.9
Today, found out that Apple is working on Mac OS X 10.9. It's said to come with Apple Maps and Siri. OS X already had dictation, so Siri would be a nice addition. Apple Maps wouldn't do as much as we already have it in iOS form. There isn't any form of maps on the Mac except for online Google Maps. That's it for today! Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Thanks!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Wii U: Released
Yes, that counts as technology. For those who don't know, the Wii U is like the Xbox 720 or the next generation of gaming. Since E3 (Electronics Entertainment Expo), Nintendo has been quiet about the game system that is highly anticipated. Recently, Nintendo has announced some new features that could shed some light on the Wii U. In the last Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announced the rest of the mini games in Nintendo Land, including Mario Chase and Balloon Trip: Breeze. In addition, we now know the price of the Wii U and from my opinion, it's pretty expensive. There are two sets, the Basic Set at $299 and the Deluxe Set at $349. Unfortunately, if you want a white Wii U with the extras of the Deluxe Set, you can't. You can only get a black Wii U with the Deluxe Set or a white Wii U with the basic set. Which means if you like your Wii U to blend in with your HD TV (assuming that the TV is black as most of the HD TVs are), you're going to have to pay another $50 for the black color. You do get great bonuses with the Deluxe Set like the Deluxe Digital Promotion which lets you get extra credits for downloadable games in the future. Now that the Wii U is out (it came out today), I may be able to get a review in soon as I admit, I am a sucker for casual gaming (Mario, Wii Sports, etc.).
To learn more about the Wii U, go to http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu/ .
To learn more about the Wii U, go to http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu/ .
Saturday, November 17, 2012
iPad Mini 4G LTE: Released
So. The iPad Mini with LTE is out. The last time an iPad was released at a different time because of cellular capabilities was when the original iPad came out. And I know that because I waited the extra two weeks and in the line. The line wasn't bad, it was just the two weeks bothered me. This cuts the line pretty close to Black Friday. Is cellular data right for you? If you are mobile and don't have a smartphone, including an iPhone, you probably want a cellular.
To learn more about iPad Mini's cellular capabilities, go to http://www.apple.com/ipad-mini/ultrafast-wireless/ .
To learn more about iPad Mini's cellular capabilities, go to http://www.apple.com/ipad-mini/ultrafast-wireless/ .
Friday, November 16, 2012
My Humble Opinions: iPods
Welcome to My Humble Opinions. My idea of technology in a nutshell. Let's start with iPods. I personally find that music is nothing until you've listened to it on an iPod. Not an iPhone. An iPod. It's a new definition of music. It's something that feels nice. A personal drive that can play any song for 99¢. The next time you listen to music on an iPod, really think about what I said. Thanks.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Holiday Gift Guide is a go on the Apple Online Store
Yep. It's time. The new holiday gift guide up at the Apple Online Store. You can find it at http://store.apple.com/us/browse/campaigns/holiday/giftguide . It showcases the main flagship products and third-party products. It's helpful. While we are on the topic, please check out my gift list at http://techtalk4geeks.blogspot.com/p/holiday.html .
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Remote Shutter
Whether it's "Geek's Night Out" or just a casual picture, you can use the remote on your headphones to take a pictures. Not all earbuds have a remote. Most Apple made earphones, including EarPods, have a remote. Some third-party earbuds also have a remote. The remote looks like the small buttons in the picture below. The remote tends to be located on the cord. To take a picture, go to the camera app and use the volume up or down button (the top or bottom portion of the buttons) to take the picture. It's the perfect shutter!
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The remote on a pair of EarPods. |
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Tech 4 Cats
So people like technology. What about the rest of the animal kingdom? How about we start with cats? How about the Game for Cats app for iPad? It's a free app. On the iPad is a picture of an animated mouse that runs around. Check out this video I made of a cat playing the game!
To learn more about Game for Cats, go to https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/game-for-cats/id406740405?mt=8 .
Monday, November 12, 2012
My Thoughts of the Microsoft Surface Commercial
The new Microsoft Surface Commercial is mainly focused on the stand feature. It doesn't say a thing about how it works or what it does. Just a stand. There's about a million other tablets with stands. That includes iPad. I just want to know what a Surface does. The website is no better. It's all about buying one. Hopefully, I can get a review in soon.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
The Microsoft Store. Is it even worthy of being called a store?
I recently went to the Microsoft Store with a friend and it was a cheesy remake of an Apple Store. There were a few differences. One being that the employees weren't helpful at all. They didn't greet me at the door and were hogging up the line for the Xbox demos. Also, most of the computers wouldn't work. The trackpads couldn't move the cursor. Games on the PC wouldn't load at all. The webpages always redirect to the Microsoft Store. And don't make me start about the Blue Screen of Death (To get this joke, go to this link: http://techtalk4geeks.blogspot.com/2012/10/otay-ranch-apple-store.html). Then, I went over to the Apple Store and was welcomed by a genius saying, "What brings you to the Apple Store today?" Gotta love the customer service at an Apple Store!
Shirt Comparison
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Back of Microsoft Shirt |
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Back of Apple Shirt |
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Front of Microsoft Shirt |
Saturday, November 10, 2012
What are bookmarklets? They are little widgets made by developers to bring creative ways to add functionality to browsers. They use some sort of JavaScript to do this. Because iOS doesn't allow widgets in Safari, we use the bookmark menu! Many services use bookmarklets including Amazon, Pocket (Formerly known as Read It Later), and Readability. You can also find more at other websites by Googling "Bookmarklets". Some bookmarklets add articles to reading lists, others give statistics.
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Greatest Time-Saving Tips in iOS 6 That No One Notices
In iOS 6, there are two features you will not notice but help you a lot! The first one is the fact that there is no password required for updating apps. This is very helpful because before we would need to type in our Apple ID password before updating apps (Just so you know: updating is free). Next, is that when you set up an Apple ID, you no longer need a credit card. Some people want to buy only free apps. We used to need a credit card for that but now we don't! This is very helpful to new Apple users!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Microsoft Surface: Half the Tablet It Says It Is
Microsoft's flagship tablet, the Surface, isn't living up to what people are paying for. A 32 GB Surface without the Touch Cover (Hmmm. Sound familiar anyone?) is $499. However, this tablet only comes with 16 GB of storage. Half of this is devoted to the included features. A 64 GB Surface has only 46 GB of free space.
In all honesty, not everyone has an Xbox. We should be able to download the app included separately. But, the Surface does have a microSDXC memory card slot that can expand the free storage space of Microsoft's Surface. But come on. How often do you hear, "I'm going to Best Buy to buy a microSDXC for my camera." I think this is my first time hearing of this card. What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
"We believe in the value of our entire Microsoft ecosystem, so we have pre-installed certain core apps to ensure you get the most out of your Surface"
- Microsoft
In all honesty, not everyone has an Xbox. We should be able to download the app included separately. But, the Surface does have a microSDXC memory card slot that can expand the free storage space of Microsoft's Surface. But come on. How often do you hear, "I'm going to Best Buy to buy a microSDXC for my camera." I think this is my first time hearing of this card. What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
To learn more about the Surface, go to http://www.microsoft.com/surface/en-US?WT.mc_id=MSCOM_EN_US_HP_FEATURE_132F1ENUS32267 .
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Apple sells Lighting to Micro-USB adapter
If you've ever owned a phone not made by Apple, this may be useful for you. Apple now sells an adapter for Micro-USB to Lightning. It's very small and had many uses. It just connects an iOS device with Lightning to any Micro-USB cable. It's main purpose is to charge or sync a device.
To learn more about the Lightning to Micro-USB cable, go to http://store.apple.com/us/product/MD820ZM/A/lightning-to-micro-usb-adapter?fnode=3a .
To learn more about the Lightning to Micro-USB cable, go to http://store.apple.com/us/product/MD820ZM/A/lightning-to-micro-usb-adapter?fnode=3a .
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Understanding How to Answer Your Calls
For those who don't know, answering a call on an iPhone may be more difficult than you think. First, you get a call. If your iPhone's screen is off, a slide to answer slider is shown. If you are using your phone, two buttons appear. One to answer and one to decline. To decline a call with the slider, press the lock button (top button). To be reminded to call back or to send a message (while declining the call), slide up the bottom right phone and two options will appear (iOS 6 required). I think you can take it from here. Congrats! You've uncovered the secrets of answering a call!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Apple Bites Back
Recently, Apple lost a lawsuit with Samsung in the UK and Apple had to post an apology. Apple posted the apology with note that they won the lawsuit in the US. The judges disapproved and required a rewritten apology. Apple said it would take two weeks to rewrite it. After two weeks, the apology was on Apple UK's website. However, Apple added some JavaScript to require users to scroll down to see the apology no matter the dimensions of the user's screen. Nice going Apple!
To see Apple UK's apology, go to apple.com/uk.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Holiday Gift List 4 Geeks: 2012
It's the start of the 2012 holiday shopping season! That means frantic shopping for the perfect gift, right? Well, the Tech Geek is here to help with a gift list for the geek in your life! One less person to freak out about! This page is easily accessible from the top tab bar that says, "Holiday Gift List 4 Geeks". Check it out and let me know if you have any great ideas.
If you need help accessing the page, here's the link:
iPod Shuffle doesn't have EarPods
Well, that title was pretty much self-explanatory. Yes. The new iPod Shuffle doesn't have the new EarPods. Instead, it has the older Apple Earphones. It may be because of the small packaging. There are many variables. Short-story-that's-trying-to-be-longer short, there are no EarPods.
The iPod Shuffle is currently $49.
To learn more about the iPod Shuffle, go to http://www.apple.com/ipod-shuffle/.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
iPad Mini: Review
Yesterday, I went to the Apple Store to test out an iPad Mini. It's great! I just wish that there was a Retina Display. The feel is just right. The texture is very similar to the iPhone 5. The white is like gem! Not to mention, the Smart Cover is cute. It's so tiny. In addition, the figure of the iPad Mini makes it easier to press the volume up button to take a picture. The pictures are great for such a small thing! Everything else is pretty much the same as the regular iPad. However, I didn't get a chance to see how well it fits in a pocket. I presume it fits well. I give the iPad Mini four-and-a-half out of five geek glasses.
Friday, November 2, 2012
iPad Mini: Released
Okay. Apparently, I've been living in a cave and totally forgot about the release of the iPad Mini: Wifi. Yes. It is out and I hope to do review today at an Apple Store. I also hope to compare it to a competing tablet. Hopefully, I'll have a review within the next two days.
To learn more about the iPad Mini, go to http://www.apple.com/ipad-mini/overview/.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wireless Keyboard
If you find typing on your iOS device is too hard, you may fancy a wireless keyboard. Apple makes one for Mac and iPad. It's called the Wireless Keyboard. Just go to Settings > BlueTooth and connect to your keyboard. The setup process is different depending of the brand and model of your keyboard. You may already have one for your computer. Try one today!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The new iTunes. Simplicity is a beautiful thing… a beautiful thing that's been delayed
If you go to the new iTunes site, you will find a new release date of "November". Apple said this iTunes would come in October. Many people blame the recent firing of Scott Forstall, Senior Vice President of iOS Software. Many people (including me) are calling it a very bad mistake for Apple. You just don't fire someone from Stanford. Apple Spokesman Tom Neumayr had a say in this.
"The new iTunes is taking longer than expected and we wanted to take a little extra time to get it right. We look forward to releasing this new version of iTunes with its dramatically simpler and cleaner interface, and seamless integration with iCloud before the end of November."
- Apple Spokesman Tom Neumayr
To learn more about the new iTunes, go to http://www.apple.com/itunes/new-itunes/.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Scroll Fast
On anything that scrolls on an iOS device (text, contact lists, web pages, emails, third party apps, etc.), there's a quick way to navigate it. To get to the top quickly, tap the status bar. The status bar is where the clock, battery and network information is. You're at the top! It's very helpful when you're looking at a web page about the first million digits of pi! But, let's save that for another post. I haven't even written about that Microsoft Store one yet that I said I would write.
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Picture Source: Apple |
Monday, October 29, 2012
Lightning is USB 2.0
Has anyone noticed that the Lightning connector isn't USB 3.0. The connector is only 2.0. Which is much slower than USB 3.0. Especially considering that USB 3.0 is compatible with USB 2.0 ports. And that most of the Macs have been upgraded with many Thunderbolt ports and USB 3.0 ports. Please comment if you feel the same way or if you feel that there's a reason.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
iPod Nano Review
To learn more about the iPod Nano, go to http://www.apple.com/ipod-nano/.
P.S. The new EarPods do come with this iPod.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Online Apple Store: Tech Frustration
Welcome to my new series: Tech Frustration! A series of posts where technology gives you those, "Urg! I haven't saved for over an hour and all my work has been deleted" moments. Today, I'm covering the fact that absolutely no iMacs are available to purchase. Only refurbished ones. This will probably be in effect until the new iMac is available. You should be able to buy an iMac any second of the day, but apparently, we can't. Certain businesses need iMacs. Any new iMac. They may need it any time. And that does it for today's post. Check back later for more tips, rumors, news, and more!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
My Thoughts of the Samsung Galaxy S III Commercial
Wow! That took forever to type! Just the name of the phone took a long time. Anyways, if you haven't seen this commercial, it completely makes fun of the iPhone 5. Honestly, if they were to make fun of those people who waited in line, they should've made a joke about the guy who dropped his brand new iPhone. But they didn't. In my opinion, I am totally offended. The people in the line sounded like they have been living in a cave for the past four years. Even their voice was dulled and was forced. And I personally love waiting in the line. The excitement is in the air. Some of these features are on the iPhone. And I could on and on about how much I don't like this commercial and find reasons why half of the content is inaccurate, but I'll just roll the film.
P.S. Isn't it illegal to send and obtain songs for free? Just saying.
P.S.S. 1:06 That is a very fake smile and the sound of the camera sounds just like the iPhone.
P.S.S. 1:06 That is a very fake smile and the sound of the camera sounds just like the iPhone.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
iPad Mini (and friends): The Scoop
Lots of things came out to conclude the 2012 year yesterday, not just the iPad Mini. It started out with the 13" MacBook Pro with Retina Display. Which is pretty much self explanatory. No new features other than the display and the new USB 3.0.
Next up was the Mac Mini. Phil Schiller made a funny joke about that one.
For those who don't know, this is not a brand new product and has been around for years. Apple has somehow put a 1 TB drive in this tiny box. The Mac Mini is also made with the latest I/O, including Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, SD slot, and even HDMI.
Also, the iMac was updated with an ultra slim display. Apple packed everything they could in that slim display. Not to mention, both of these desktops include Fusion Drive. The first combination of a 1 TB hard drive (Capacity) with flash storage (Performance). It moves files that you use more often to the flash so those files run faster. Smart.
In addition, iBooks Author comes with new ways for portrait views. Special math equation symbols work great and look beautiful. And you can now use custom fonts in your books.
iBooks 3.0 came with purchased books in your bookshelf. Now, there is a special scrolling view as an alternative for flipping pages. Foreign characters (like Japanese characters) are now supported in books. While reading a book, you can select certain text and share it via Twitter, Facebook, or Mail.
And of course, the iPad! The fourth generation iPad (full sized, not the mini) introduced the A6X chip. The new iPad also has the new Lightning cable. That's pretty much it.
The iPad Mini brings a 7.9" screen. Cellular is a option. However, there is no Retina Display and it is stuck back at the A5 chip. That's all the way back to the iPad 2! Not the third generation iPad, but the iPad 2. In other features, there are new Smart Covers with two creases instead of three just for the iPad Mini. The video that depicts them focus on color even though there are less colors then the other Smart Cover. No leather Mini Smart Covers. The video is available at the bottom of this post.I personally think I like the full sized iPad, mainly because of performance and display. But, it all depends on who you are and what you do.
And that is the iPad Mini event in a nutshell. A very, very large nutshell. Let's end this blog post with a quote.
Next up was the Mac Mini. Phil Schiller made a funny joke about that one.
"You knew there would be something called 'mini' in this presentation, wouldn't you."
- Phil Schiller
The iMac's new display is very slim. |
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Even the packaging is strange. |
In addition, iBooks Author comes with new ways for portrait views. Special math equation symbols work great and look beautiful. And you can now use custom fonts in your books.
iBooks 3.0 came with purchased books in your bookshelf. Now, there is a special scrolling view as an alternative for flipping pages. Foreign characters (like Japanese characters) are now supported in books. While reading a book, you can select certain text and share it via Twitter, Facebook, or Mail.
And of course, the iPad! The fourth generation iPad (full sized, not the mini) introduced the A6X chip. The new iPad also has the new Lightning cable. That's pretty much it.
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The iPad Mini! |
And that is the iPad Mini event in a nutshell. A very, very large nutshell. Let's end this blog post with a quote.
"Why is iPad so successful? Well, there's a simple explanation. People love their iPads. We are just getting started. We're not taking our foot off the gas."
- Tim Cook
iPad Mini Smart Cover Video
P.S. Apple made a funny iPad Mini commercial. Here it is:
Source: EverythingTech97
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
iPad Mini: What I Could Dig Up
Today is the big day. That means it's time to soak in all the information and rumors I could find. And if you read the iPhone 5: What I Could Dig Up article, then yes, this is turning into a series. Let's get started.
The four products expected to be announced at the event are of course, the iPad Mini, along with the iMac, Mac Mini, and 13" Retina Display MacBook Pro. And I wouldn't be surprised if that new iTunes would be released with it too. It is also rumored that iBooks will have an update to 3.0. iBooks 2.0 brought the textbooks to the iBookstore. I'm not sure what iBooks 3.0 brings, but it probably has to do with the iPad Mini because the iPad Mini may become competition for the Kindle. In addition, the iPad Mini has been going on and off about cellular data. Some rumors say that Apple may remove cellular data from the iPad Mini and vise versa. I personally always get cellular data with my iPads for decent syncing with iCloud, photo locations, and more. However, with many users now have with iPhones and they either use their iPhone (or smartphone) to tether the connection to their iPad or they simply use their iPhone (or smartphone) to browse the web or go on the Internet over their phone's cellular when they're on the go instead of buying cellular data for their iPad. Finally, some sources say that the third generation iPad may be updated with the Lightning connector along with the iPad Mini. And that's it for this What I Could Dig Up. Check back later for news about the event and a special edition of The Scoop for the iPad Mini. Until then, feel free to leave comments about your opinions, rumors, tips, or anything.
UPDATE: Apple will be streaming the event live on Apple TVs and on their website. Here's the link to the feed:
Monday, October 22, 2012
iMac 1 TB Hard Drive Failures
Apple has recalled iMacs sold between October 2009 and July 2011 with a Seagate 1 TB Hard Drive. The recall is in place due to possible failures. This introduces their iMac 1TB Seagate Hard Drive Replacement Program. You may receive an email if you own an affected iMac. Apple will replace the drive free of charge.
To learn more, go to apple.com/support/imac-harddrive/.
To learn more, go to apple.com/support/imac-harddrive/.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
StreetPassing 4 Geeks
One of my other hobbies is video games. Not just in the screen, but in our world, which is exactly what Nintendo 3DS's StreetPass feature. When two Nintendo 3DS systems come within a certain range, they exchange preset information and avatars, or Miis. I love it! You can challenge their records, play games with them, and more! StreetPassing is such a fun thing to do, some groups even set up "StreetPass Events" and meet to StreetPass. There's probably one in your area. Comic-Con is filled with StreetPassers. To start your StreetPassing adventure, just buy a Nintendo 3DS starting at $169.99.
To learn more about Nintendo 3DS, go to nintendo.com/3ds.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
MaKey MaKey Review
The MaKey MaKey is the perfect tool for creative people. It allows you to connect alligator clips to real world objects and use your computer in amazing ways. It's a little hard to word so here's the official video for it.
Pretty cool. I say the functions of the MaKey MaKey work about 90% of the time. That's very good. For this, I give the MaKey MaKey four-and-a-half out of five geek glasses.
"A great and creative way to make anyone an inventor!"
- Alex Baratti
To learn more about the MaKey MaKey, go to makeymakey.com.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Saving Battery 4 iOS
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Thursday, October 18, 2012
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