All of your Mac and iOS questions and rumors can be answered! How? Easy! Just ask a teenager! What's better? Ask an Apple Certified teenager! Ask me! Alex! Writing once every single day since 2012!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Happy New Year!
Today is New Year's Eve! Embrace the new year! Today's gift for the 12 Days of Gifts is an album for a New Year's Eve mix. Happy New Year! 2014!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Hugo is FREE Today on iTunes!
As part of iTune's 12 Days of Gifts event, day 5 is the most valuable gift so far. It's a movie! For U.S. and Canadian customers, it's Hugo [Direct Link]. For international customers, it's Home Alone [Direct Link]. It's only for today! Get it soon!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Google Winter Wonderlabs are Closed
Today, I found that I missed the Google Winter Wonderlab to be closed. Without notice. Yesterday, they packed up. So don't plan an entire trip and find it to be gone.
Friday, December 27, 2013
A Charlie Brown Christmas Is Free!
Probably not the best time to mention this, but the iBook "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is free this week. A true Christmas Classic! The link is below. Happy holidays!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas!
Good morning and Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy today and relax. For those who got new tech gifts, be sure to look out for some posts about how to get started with them. Until then, have a cheerful day!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Santa is off!
This morning, Santa has lifted off from the North Pole. Google is once again sponsoring him and you can track him on Google is also offering a variety of holiday-themed games and activities.
Monday, December 23, 2013
How to Move Your iPhoto Library... The EASY Way!
To easily move your iPhoto library (say, to an external hard drive), just quit iPhoto if it's open (don't just close the window, go to the menu bar and click iPhoto > Quit). Locate the iPhoto library. By default, it's located in the Pictures folder. Simply drag and drop it into the desired location and double-click it. That's it.
* This procedure is for iPhoto 8 or later. Check your version by opening iPhoto, go to the menu bar, and click iPhoto > About iPhoto.
* This procedure is for iPhoto 8 or later. Check your version by opening iPhoto, go to the menu bar, and click iPhoto > About iPhoto.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Mapped Pictures
See your life in maps in the Photos app. Just open it (make sure that you're on the Photos tab) and pick a location. You'll see a map of the selected location.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
YouTube: Try Something New!
Want to add a spin to YouTube? Go to on your computer and scroll ALL OF THE WAY DOWN. You will find a link that says "Try Something New!" Click it to explore the beta stages of YouTube.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Camera from Control Center!
To quickly access your camera, just swipe up from the bottom of your iOS 7 device and tap the camera icon. It's that easy!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Mac Pro
Today, the long awaited Mac Pro was released. The completely customizable, decked-out Macintosh from Apple. It works with up to three 4K (really big) displays. This computer is for professional movie makers and photographers. It now takes until February to ship. Remember that this was released today!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
New Gift Cards!
Apple finally has new iTunes gift cards. The old ones had the iOS 6 icons of the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store. Now, they have a new design. The cards have dropped the app icons and now go back to displaying various spraypainted pictures. They are similar to the pictures at previous Apple events.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
iBookstore FINALLY Adds Gifting
Looking for a quick gift? Give the gift of reading! Open the iBooks app and hit the "Store" button. Find a book, select it, hit the share button (upper right corner), and hit "Gift." Complete the form. Try it out! Be sure that the iBooks app is updated. Most users on iOS 7 have their apps automatically update.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Free Gift From Apple!
iTunes' 12 Days of Gifts App is giving all a free early gift. No Better by Lorde is free from the app. Be sure to get in on the offer! Just download the 12 Days of Gifts app [].
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Ok Google, Do a Barrel Roll!
On the desktop version of, type "do a barrel roll" to see a quick Easter Egg. The screen will do a barrel roll! It will rotate 360 degrees. Nice little secret, right?
P.S. I have a little announcement to make. I won't be able to post videos for a couple of weeks due to school and the holiday season. I'm sorry. I will be able to post some sort of post that day. For those who've heard about the new YouTube announcement and rules coming in 2014 (I will discuss in a later post), I will continue to post videos on YouTube and the blog when I continue again as I do not make money off of these videos. Again, I will explain these new conditions in a later post.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Translate Webpages Using Google Translate
Here's a quick tip! To translate any webpage inside of Google Translate, simply type in the URL inside of the box and hit the "Translate" button (Be sure to select a language!). It's that easy!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Pencil: First Impressions
Today, I received my Pencil. For those who don't know, the Pencil is a new product by FiftyThree, the same people who brought us the Paper app [Direct Link; iPad only; Free]. The Pencil is a stylus made to complement the popular drawing app. Pencil has a very clean and sleek look. From the packaging and to the product, the Pencil lives up to its name. It's simple and easy. If you need to erase, don't tap a special erase button on the iPad. Just flip the Pencil upside down and use it like an actual pencil. The battery is easy to charge with no cables or wires to fool with and the pairing is even simpler. It's called "Kiss to Pair." There are no menus to go through, nor any Bluetooth pins. Just touch the Pencil to the special button on the Paper app and it's done. A helpful video pops up the first time a Pencil is connected and gives some helpful hints. FiftyThree calls the method, "As easy as falling in love." Of course, the real test is how well the stylus works. I can tell you now that the palm protection is perfection and the erasing function is really nice. If you want some drawing examples, there are some below and be sure to check out my Twitter (@alexsmbaratti) for new pictures drawn by me and my Pencil. Be sure to follow my Twitter as well. You'll get a tweet whenever there's a new post on my blog. The Pencil has special introductory pricing at $49.99 for the graphite color and $59.99 for the walnut color.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
12 Days of Gifts
iTunes has a bit of a Christmas present to all iOS users this year. From December 26th to Janurary 6th, the app, "12 Days of Gifts," will give out a gift of music, an app, a movie, or other media each day for twelve days. Be sure to get the app. It's free []!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
D-SLR Style Focus
In iOS 7, you can focus the camera without touching the screen. Just use the volume down button (minus button) and hold it for about five seconds. Try it out!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
AirDrop May Be Using Your Battery (And You Probably Don't Know It)!
Is your battery being sucked up on your iPhone 5, 5c, 5s or iPad with Retina Display, iPad Air, or another device? Try this quick fix (iOS 7 Only)! Swipe up from the bottom of the screen. Welcome to Control Center. Find the button for AirDrop. Tap on it and select "Off." Perfect. If you ever need to turn it on again, just do this procedure again, except use "Everyone" or "Contacts Only" instead of "Off."
Monday, December 9, 2013
Apple Endorses Hour of Code with Free Workshops
Are you a kid who wants to learn coding (JavaScript)? Head on over to an Apple Store from 5 to 6 PM and get in on the free seminar. Be sure to check the Apple Store App for availablity.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Khan Academy's Hour of Code!
This week is Khan Academy's coding week. They will be showing people how to code in JavaScript (not to be confused with Java). Be sure to check it out!
Here is the link:
P.S. There will be no video this week due to time constraints. Sorry!
Saturday, December 7, 2013
San Diego Mini Maker Fair
Do you love technology and robotics? Then, come on down to the San Diego Mini Maker Faire! Check out the swag and many exhibits featuring the technology of tomorrow! I'll be tweeting about it as well. The location is at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in the Bing Crosby Hall and is available at the bottom of this post.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Ask Siri To Flip A Coin
Serving or returning? Who gets the last slice of pizza? Decisions, decisions. Why flip a coin in today's age? I mean, who has a quarter in today's time? Okay, a lot of people do. Either way, try this trick! Tell Siri, "Flip a coin." Instantly, she'll either say head or tails. It's completely random. Try it the next time you have to make a decision.
*Only available in iOS 7
*Only available in iOS 7
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Apple Gives Free Shipping For All Orders
The Apple Online Store ( is currently giving free shipping for ALL orders. This includes iPhoto print products such as photo books and cards. Be sure to get in on the offer before December 22!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
By now, I'm sure you've heard of the app Paper. It's the artisticly accurate drawing app. It is the blank canvas for the digital artist. FiftyThree, the company behind Paper, has unveiled a new product. The Pencil! Are we noticing a trend here? They also sell customizable books called the "Book." The Pencil is a Bluetooth stylus (only compatible when the Paper app is on) with palm rejection and a digital eraser. You can learn more about Pencil at:
Pencil pre-orders are currently available at special introductory pricing at $49.99-$59.99. There is no guarentee of Christmas delivery.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Amazon Prime Air

Sunday, December 1, 2013
The Click - Holiday Music On Demand
Need some holiday music to go along with the holiday spirit in the air? I've got just the thing!
Note: Viewers who can't view the video can view it by clicking here!
Note: Viewers who can't view the video can view it by clicking here!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Tight on Mac Storage?
If your Mac is running low on storage space, try this tip. External hard drives are getting cheaper as time goes on. For this tip, I recommend a WesternDigital My Passport [Direct Link] (Be sure to format it with Disk Utility!). Simply move your iTunes library using this procedure provided by Apple. Note: In step 5, you will use the external drive for where to move the library.
Friday, November 29, 2013
iStudiez Pro Updated For iOS 7
iStudiez Pro, the app that acts as a digital school planner, has been updated for iOS 7. This long-awaited update looks amazing on any iOS device! In addition, the team behind the app is putting on a weekend long sale. It's 60% off! That's $2.99!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Black Friday
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Thanksgiving Apps
There are many Thanksgiving apps for the iPad and Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Today, I've compiled some of the best cooking apps for the iPad (and some for iPhone) into one blog post. They're so good, even the most culinary deficient with no proprietary cooking experience can use them.

GOJEE makes cooking like a round of Chopped for your own kitchen. It gives you a list of ingredients and a picture. No directions. Interpret it anyway you want. Use it as inspiration or make it a bit of a challenge for yourself. This app is definitely for a more experienced chef, however if you need some help, you can view the original recipe for it and you might find the directions there. The app also organizes types of food into broad categories for even more inspiration. GOJEE is available for free for the iPhone and iPad [Direct Link].
Thanksgiving: A Bon Appétit Manual:
This app is for one who just wants a simple recipe app. Here you go! Browse a community of recipes from people just like you, not famous chefs (which isn't a bad thing)! Thanksgiving: A Bon Appétit Manual is available for iPhone and iPad from the App Store [Direct Link].
Honorable Mentions:
While these apps are still great apps, I feel that the first three really embrace Thanksgiving. I hope to do a more in-depth review on these apps soon, but until then, here are the runner-ups (all free and in no particular order).
- Evernote Food [Direct Link]
- The Recipe Box [Direct Link]
- Makr [Direct Link]
- Food Network In The Kitchen [Direct Link]
- Must-Have Recipes from Better Homes and Gardens [Direct Link]
- Epicurious [Direct Link]
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Jobs is Now on iTunes
For those who didn't see it in theaters, Jobs, the biodrama of Steve Jobs, is now in the iTunes Store [Direct Link] for $19.99 in HD and $14.99 in SD. It can also be rented for $4.99 in HD and $3.99 in SD.
Monday, November 25, 2013
The Click - Games 4 The Holidays - Wii U - Part 2
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Black Friday!
This Friday is Black Friday! Don't forget your tech gifts! Most tech retailers do some sort of Black Friday event, including Apple. If you're stumped for an idea, be sure to check out our Holiday Gift List 4 Geeks located at the top of this page.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Coin is the one card you'll ever need. It combines gift cards, credit cards, and debit cards. It also sends your phone a notification if you ever leave it behind. Currently, there is a 50% discount for preorders (a total of $55 including shipping). You can order your Coin here!
NOTE: To view the video, you must use a computer!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Clumsy Ninja
One of the apps announced at WWDC 2013 was Clumsy Ninja. It was released yesterday. You can check it out for free on the Apple App Store [Direct Link]. Did you know that this is the first app to feature a video to promote it? Well, it is. Enjoy. I hope to do a review on this app soon.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Life On iPad
Apple today released a new iPad website. It's called Life on iPad. It talks about how certain careers take advantage of iPad's unique features.
Here's the link:
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Apple Store App for iPad
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
If you haven't noticed, Twitter is trending. While many protest it as a distraction, I find it interesting in moderation. In fact, most of my tweets are automated. Many big-name companies use Twitter as part of their marketing department. NBC's show, The Voice, uses it to let America save singers in real-time. In many commercials, you'll find hashtags (#ThisIsAHashtag) in the corners of the screens. Twitter will go crazy with the Winter Olympics coming up. In fact, Twitter went public recently. They are currently selling for $41.75 a share. What are your thoughts?
Monday, November 18, 2013
iTunes Can Send Notifications About Current Songs and Up Next
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iTunes Can Send Notifications |
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To Manage Notifications, Check iTunes Preferences... |
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Update Your Device!
If your computer is running slow, be sure to check for any updates. You should check every week. This will protect your computer from viruses. It's virus season!
P.S. Due to a problem with YouTube, I am unable to upload today. Stay tuned!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Apple iTunes Connect Annual Shutdown Scheduled
For those who don't know, every year near December, Apple shuts down iTunes Connect. This pretty much means that developers can't submit apps while it's off. This doesn't affect consumers in any way. The Shutoff Date: December 21-27. Mark your calendars!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Apple Store New Free App
In addition to the "Holiday" tab in the Apple Store app, there is a new free app offer available. It's The Photo Cookbook - Baking. Perfect for the holidays! Simply download the Apple Store App [Direct Link] and find the offer at the bottom of the Holiday section. Happy baking!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
iBooks and iTunes U Updated for iOS 7
Today, iBooks and iTunes U were updated for iOS 7! The design is much simpler and cleaner. iBooks is an app that allows one to read digital books on their iOS device or Mac. iTunes U provides courses for schools and colleges directly to student's iOS devices. iBooks [Direct Link] and iTunes U [Direct Link] are both available for free from the Apple App Store.
iBooks New Icon |
![]() |
iTunes U New Icon |
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
If you don't have the app "IFTTT," then you're missing out! IFTTT stands for "IF This Then That" and does exactly what it sounds like. For example: If I post a post on my blog, then post it to Twitter. If it is my birthday, then call me and wish me happy birthday. The possibilities are endless! To get started with IFTTT, click the links below!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Holiday Apple Online Store and iPad Mini Available
Today, the iPad mini was released. Apple was very quiet about this. Why? Because the supplies were very short and there was a manufacturing problem. However, you can now buy your iPad mini with a Retina Display for $399. In addition, the Apple Online Store was also updated with some holiday cheer! The gift guide is up! However, be sure to check out Tech Talk 4 Geeks' holiday gift guide!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Let's Get Productive: Effective Note Taking Strategies with Google Drive
To learn about how to take notes in class or in a business meeting with a computer, here are some tips! They are in this Google Drive document! Just click here to go to the document!
If you can't view it, here's a picture of the document!
If you can't view it, here's a picture of the document!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
The Click - Games 4 The Holidays - Wii U - Part 1
The Wii U is the console that brings families together around the world! This week, +Jonathan Davies and I continue our discussion with the Wii U!
NOTE: Clicking on our heads and the other videos only work on computers, not mobile devices!
NOTE: Clicking on our heads and the other videos only work on computers, not mobile devices!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
The "Brightest" Feature in Mavericks
Did you know that the light sensor in OS X Mavericks knows if you're in front of the screen? It does. If you stay in front of the screen, the Mac won't fall asleep. If it was asleep while you were away and you walk in front of it, it turns on. How cool is that?!
Friday, November 8, 2013
The Porkfolio
I've been waiting for a product like this for ages. The Porkfolio! The piggy bank that tracks how much money you've put into it! Simply connect it to your WiFi network and the Porkfolio app. It counts for you! This product is available off of my Holiday Gift List 4 Geeks!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
WebMD Allergy App
If you have allergies, such as pollen allergies, then you should try the WebMD Allergy app! It tells you how much pollen and dust is in the air based on your current location. It can also distinguish pollen levels from tree, grass, and ragweed. If the pollen or dust gets too high in your location, the app sends you a notification if you have a severe allergy to it. The app also gives tips on controlling allergies and an allergy journal. The WebMD Allergy App is available for free from the Apple App Store [Direct Link].
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Find My Friends 4 Carpools
If you're in some sort of carpool, try this! Assuming you all have iPhones, set up Find My Friends (available from the App Store for free) with each other by sharing your location with each other. If you're being picked up by another, tap their name on the "Friends" tab and then tap "Notify Me." Say that you want to be notified wherever you're being picked up. It's that easy! You will now be notified when you should come out of your building to be picked up by your carpool!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
The BookBook Travel Journal
TwelveSouth has made a new product, the BookBook Travel Journal. It is basically an iPad case with some extra compartments. It starts at $99. TwelveSouth has made a line of other products for encasing iOS devices such as the BookBook for iPhone.
Monday, November 4, 2013
If you're a geek like me, then you probably like video games. Not just any video games, but the classic video games. Those are the BEST! We're talking Earthbound, Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros. 2, and even Paper Boy! Since the games are older, today's coders have created "emulators" to play these games on the universal device we use today, the computer. To elaborate, emulators are like a "digital console" that you install on your computer and a "ROM" is the "digital game cartridge" that we plug into the emulator. Most emulators are for only one console, however OpenEmu takes it to a whole new level! It combines the world's greatest emulators into one great app. Not only that, but it displays your ROMs beautifully with their cover art. When you play a game, you can use save states (an unlimited amount) and cheats (unless you're a true gamer). The best part is that OpenEmu is FREE (but it's only for Mac)! Instructions are below.
I'm sorry that my collection is small. I got this software recently and haven't gotten a chance to fully add all of my ROMS. |
Here's how it works:
- Install the latest version of XCode (Requires OS X 10.7 or later; I recommend OS X 10.9).
- Download GitHub (Be sure you have a GitHub account; if you don't, get one here).
- Go to this link and click "Clone in Desktop" (on the far right side).
- Save it wherever you like and wait for it to clone.
- Once done, go to where you saved the "cloned" folder and open it.
- Find the file called "OpenEmu.xcworkspace" (pictured left) and open it (be sure it opens in XCode).
- In the top-right corner, click on "OpenEmu" in the bar and select "Build All" and "My Mac 64-bit."
- Go to the top and click "Product," "Build For," and "Profiling."
- Wait for it to finish (Estimated time: 5 Minutes; If this fails, you may have an invalid build. This happened to me and it didn't work until I repeated step 3 a week later. Do NOT search for downloads of OpenEmu as they do not work and will make your life complicated in the future.). It MUST be successful.
- In Finder, search for "" and right-click on the app and click "Open Enclosing Folder." It is pictured above and to the right.
- In this folder, you should find a very similar app also called "OpenEmu." Open this (and drag it to your dock or Launchpad for quick access) to run the app.
There you go! I know that it is a very hard and painful process, but it is well worth it! If you didn't understand this guide, try the official guide by clicking here. Now, just follow the onscreen instructions to get started and download some ROMs off of the internet. Just Google something like "[Video Game Name] ROM" and find a site that is listed. is a very popular site.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Gaming 4 The Holidays - PS4
Today, John and I continue our discussion with the PS4!
NOTE: You can only click on our heads if you are on a computer, not a mobile device.
NOTE: You can only click on our heads if you are on a computer, not a mobile device.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Which iPad 2 Get
As you may know, the iPad Air was recently released. Today, I will explain which iPad you should get. NOTE: If you want LTE, I recommend T-Mobile, however take into consideration of the cost of plans and your smartphone's plan.
Bring it to school:
For this endeavor, I recommend the iPad Mini (either generation) because it can fit well into a backpack and can be easily be taken out at anytime. 16 to 32 GB capacity.
Casual User:
I would recommend an iPad 2 or iPad Mini (1st generation) for light use of the iPad. They both cost $299, so it doesn't matter which you pick. The iPad Mini is the newer of the two.
All Around (and Work):
The iPad Air is for you! It still has great portability with my hands-on time with it. As for capacity, I recommend around 32 to 64 GB. If you want to, you could even get an iPad Mini (2nd generation).
After testing with various apps, you'll find that the white color fits quite nicely with cases and apps designed for iOS 7. There is less contrast, so it looks nicer. Check out which iPad color suits you at an Apple Store as well.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Get an iPad with T-Mobile!
T-Mobile is currently giving away 200 MB a month for free to ALL T-Mobile iPad Cellular models. You don't even have to sign up. Just use it wisely. 200 MB isn't a lot. One person will use about five times that amount in a month.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween!
If you haven't noticed, it's Halloween! Remember that tomorrow starts November and that Hannakah isn't far away. Right after that, boom! It's Christmas! Stumped for an idea? Be sure to check out my Holiday Gift List 4 Geeks ( Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Customers Begin to Receive iPad 3G Settlements
So, here's the story. Ages ago in 2010, the iPad was introduced. The ORIGINAL iPad! It came in WiFi or WiFi + 3G. The iPad with 3G came with two data plans. The 250 MB plan (which wasn't enough for a month) for $14.99 a month and the unlimited plan for $29.99 a month. The ideal plan was the unlimited plan. Two months after the release, AT&T (the only carrier for Apple at the time) discontinued unlimited data and replaced it with a 2 GB plan for $25.99. Users (including yours truly) who didn't switch experienced problems with their cellular data. Now, people are receiving emails to receive $40 provided by Apple by following a link.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Christmas App
There are many apps for Christmas shopping season, but there's no better one than "The Christmas List" ( by Limbua. This app lets you keep track of all the gifts you need to buy, how much they cost, and what store to buy them from. This app is definitely worth your two dollars. Try it. But, hurry! You only have 56 days left until Christmas! And don't even get me started on how early Hanukkah starts this year!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Apple Read My Post!
If you are a longtime reader of my blog, you probably remember the post "Secure your Security!" This was probably one of my more popular posts. It was a post about how a thief could turn off your "Find my [iOS Device]" service unless you did a certain method. However, now with iOS 7, Apple has made it so one must enter their password for turning off the feature. This means we don't have to add restrictions to location services. If you followed my directions from the original post, here's how to disable it. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions and enter your passcode > Location Services > and tap "Allow Changes."
Sunday, October 27, 2013
The Click: Gaming 4 The Holidays - Xbox One
This week's episode will be about the Xbox One. This is a basic discussion between me and Tech Talk 4 Geeks gaming correspondent, Jonathan Davies (+Jonathan Davies).
Jonathan's Channel:
My Blog:
Jonathan's Channel:
My Blog:
NOTE: The links on our heads won't work on mobile devices.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Apple iPad Event - Part 4
Finally, Apple announced OS X Mavericks. Mavericks provides a fresh, fluid experience to the Mac. It adds a new Maps app and iBooks. In addition, if you have an Apple TV, you can use your TV as a second display! Finally, Mavericks adds more efficiency to Mac. The best part is that it's free. OS X Mavericks takes about an hour to download. It takes another hour to install. I recommend that you do a backup and use repair disk permissions using Disk Utility (Check out my tutorial: prior to updating.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Apple iPad Event - Part 3
For today's post, I'll be talking about Macs.
Mac Pro:
Apple announced the Mac Pro. This small powerhouse has everything cranked to the max! Thunderbolt 2, USB 3.0, and more!MacBook Pro with Retina Display:
The MacBook Pro with Retina Display is the laptop version of the Mac Pro. It has a faster Intel processor.
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