Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wii U: Released

Yes, that counts as technology. For those who don't know, the Wii U is like the Xbox 720 or the next generation of gaming. Since E3 (Electronics Entertainment Expo), Nintendo has been quiet about the game system that is highly anticipated. Recently, Nintendo has announced some new features that could shed some light on the Wii U. In the last Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announced the rest of the mini games in Nintendo Land, including Mario Chase and Balloon Trip: Breeze. In addition, we now know the price of the Wii U and from my opinion, it's pretty expensive. There are two sets, the Basic Set at $299 and the Deluxe Set at $349. Unfortunately, if you want a white Wii U with the extras of the Deluxe Set, you can't. You can only get a black Wii U with the Deluxe Set or a white Wii U with the basic set. Which means if you like your Wii U to blend in with your HD TV (assuming that the TV is black as most of the HD TVs are), you're going to have to pay another $50 for the black color. You do get great bonuses with the Deluxe Set like the Deluxe Digital Promotion which lets you get extra credits for downloadable games in the future. Now that the Wii U is out (it came out today), I may be able to get a review in soon as I admit, I am a sucker for casual gaming (Mario, Wii Sports, etc.).

To learn more about the Wii U, go to .

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