Thursday, November 8, 2012

Microsoft Surface: Half the Tablet It Says It Is

Microsoft's flagship tablet, the Surface, isn't living up to what people are paying for. A 32 GB Surface without the Touch Cover (Hmmm. Sound familiar anyone?) is $499. However, this tablet only comes with 16 GB of storage. Half of this is devoted to the included features. A 64 GB Surface has only 46 GB of free space.

"We believe in the value of our entire Microsoft ecosystem, so we have pre-installed certain core apps to ensure you get the most out of your Surface"
- Microsoft

In all honesty, not everyone has an Xbox. We should be able to download the app included separately. But, the Surface does have a microSDXC memory card slot that can expand the free storage space of Microsoft's Surface. But come on. How often do you hear, "I'm going to Best Buy to buy a microSDXC for my camera." I think this is my first time hearing of this card. What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

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