Well, WWDC is in just five days and a lot of stuff is expected to go down there. However, I figured that its about time for another Tech Talk 4 Geeks Analysis. Basically, Apple has banners on their site and I will try to interpret any hints or clues as to what may be shown off at the event. As you can see, there's not much to look at. There's a bunch of icons with a flat iOS 7 design that surround a large Apple logo. Well, if you notice, the icons seems to shrink into the Apple logo. This suggests one of two things. First, Apple may allow resizing of icons in iOS 8. This makes sense due to the many sizes of the icons. Second, it may suggest widgets. The reason I say this is because of the different sizes. Widgets usually come in different sizes. I know it's a stretch, but at this point, anything goes. If you have any suggestions as to your interpretation, leave your ideas in the comments below! Remember, these are my ideas. No major news source that I know of has reported these ideas. Don't bet on them making the cut for iOS 8.