Saturday, September 9, 2017

[iPhone 8 Spoilers!] Emoji on iPhone 8

Just as a courtesy, I will be making the titles clear that they spoil what's to be announced this Tuesday. In addition, what I do put up in the title will be obscure, so if you read it already, you haven't been spoiled. That said, do not read further if you do not want to be spoiled.


Hey, Apple. I would very much appreciate it if you didn't have the entire iOS 11 golden master leaked early. There are these things called Non-Disclosure Agreements with huge consequences if you fail to follow them. Yeah, please use them. At this point, I have no idea what else you have up your sleeve. Okay, so we've seen Snapchat and their face filter things, right? Where you take a picture and some fancy effect is augmented over your face in real time? Well, try combining that with emojis. That's Animoji [Source: Steve Troughton-Smith]. Apple will use it's face tracking advancements to allow you to create facial expressions and send them as an emoji to your friends. It's a neat concept, but it also sounds a bit gimmicky. Nevertheless, it makes good use of the facial recognition and if Apple's done with Touch ID, I can only hope they do a good job supporting it. Apart from the design and display, this is what you're paying a thousand dollars for. Truly, this phone was meant for only the most daring social butterflies.

Edit: I will say the animal ones are very cute.

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