Saturday, January 12, 2013

Apple, you missed a spot!

When it comes to security, Apple's on top. But in this post, I'll reveal to you Apple's little spot that they missed. Apple, if your reading this, please fix this issue.

Find My Friends is Siri compatible. This means if you ask Siri where you friends are, she'll tell you. The other part to this is protecting this information. Find My Friends asks for your Apple ID password initially and again for a minute of inactivity. But if you have a pass code, you only need to enter your Apple ID password once. Then, it automatically logs you in because you need to enter your pass code. This works with Siri too. Without a pass code, Siri won't tell you your friends are. With a pass code, she'll tell you where they are. That's the problem! Siri will tell you where they are in the lock screen! That's before you enter your pass code. What to do?

To fix this, go to Settings > General > Passcode lock and enter your Passcode. Remember that this solution is for people who already have passcodes on their iOS devices. Now, look at the section that says "Allow Access When Locked". Turn off Siri. And while your at it, you might as well turn off Passbook because if it's on, it lets anybody who has your phone to pay with your gift cards without a Passcode needed. Trust me on this one. And Apple, please fix this problem so we don't have to use these weird solutions.

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