When Apple announces a new major update to OS X, they usually release a program, known as the OS X Up-To-Date Program. While there is no news of one for Mavericks, we can expect one in August. The OS X Up-To-Date Program allows users to update their Macs to Mavericks for free when it comes out, if they have bought the Mac after the program is announced. Since it hasn't been announced yet, I suggest that you don't buy a Mac yet. This is Apple's slow part of the year. The small portion of the year when the next iPhones, iPods, and Macs are released. I suggest that you hold off on buying Apple products until they have been released.
However, this year brings up a conflict. Usually every year, Apple releases OS X in July, just after new Macs are released, and iOS in the Fall (September to October), on the date the next iPhone comes out. However, this year, Apple officially stated that OS X will come in the Fall. The reason? It's quite simple really. Remember the Mac Pro at WWDC? OS X will be released along with the Mac Pro along with iOS 7 along with the next iPhone! Why is this a conflict? Two reasons: First, OS X will take much longer to come out and will take even longer to fix all of the bugs in the minor updates (most people will wait for 10.9.1 instead of the initial 10.9 update). Second, Apple is offering the education discount which gets you a free iTunes gift card (this section only applies for students K-12 or in college). Last year when iOS 6 was released, Apple stopped offering the education discount. Everything in Apple has a specific date to come out. If Mavericks comes out in October, then that gives out a small period of time to get a Mac, get the discount, and get Mavericks for free. Solutions? Well, you could get into that grace period if you can get the date right (which I'll probably tell you on this blog). If you have no idea what I'm talking about, or you're just plain out confused, this option is for you! Just pay the $20 for Mavericks! If you got the discount, you already have the credits. If you didn't get the discount, just use the Up-To-Date Program, which I'll explain more about when (and if) it is announced. Until then, enjoy Summer!
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