Thursday, January 18, 2018

Amazon Dash Buttons Have Taken Over Your Home

Remember in 2015, Amazon announced Dash Buttons? Those little buttons that can reorder products from Amazon. Amazon has taken these buttons and integrated it into their ecosystem very cleverly. Regardless of whether you own a physical button or not, a Dash Button in one form or another is likely in your house. Studies show that about 1 in 6 adults own a smart speaker, with Amazon leading the herd. Every Echo Dot can function as a Dash Button, in that you can ask Alexa to reorder any product. Okay, so maybe that's stretching the definition of a Dash Button. However, look at the Echo Show, an Echo with a display. Ask Alexa to show you your Dash Buttons and if you've set it up, you'll be presented with an array of your favorite brands in digital button form. And this is how Amazon's Echo ecosystem comes full circle. Soon, these digital buttons may be implemented in your smart fridge, as Amazon has released an API allowing for this. By making their Echo brand be at the heart of your home, the Echo and Echo Show are your home's hub. Play some music, change the temperature, and order some products off of Amazon while you're at it. As a non-partisan device between Apple and Android phones, most Americans can look to an Amazon device to cater to their every need.

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