Friday, October 27, 2017

Best Buy's iPhone X

Best Buy, I don't think I've ever seen you live up to your name. Last night, for the pre-orders of the iPhone X, Best Buy marked up their prices of the smartphone by $100 [Source: MacRumors]. Now, Best Buy has some justification for this. Let me tell you about it. What is it? Because flexibility has a cost. Flexibility? Being able to pick your carrier and plan. Oh, but isn't that the same for Apple but the cost is $100 less. Yes. So, what's the point? Who knows? It seems a bit ridiculous to pull something like this. People probably waited on Best Buy's website just to be greeted with a $100 surcharge with no explanation. With the phones selling out in 5 minutes, you have no choice but to impulse buy. A very scummy move on Best Buy's part.

Image Credit: MacRumors

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