Unfortunately, Oscar-winning actor Robin Williams has passed away. Apple is remembering him in several ways. Tim Cook tweeted his condolences on Twitter. In the iTunes Store, a section is dedicated to him by showcasing his movies. Robin Williams also provided the voice over for one of the "Your Voice" commercials. May he rest in peace...
"We are deeply saddened by the passing of Robin Williams. He inspired us through his passion, his generosity, and the gift of laughter. He will be missed."
Heartbroken by the news of Robin Williams' passing. He was an incomparable talent and a great human being. Rest in peace.
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) August 12, 2014
Hardly an honor. A full page RIP photo in the NY Times & Wall Street Journal -- maybe. A huge donation to the National Institute of Mental Health, better still. Clickable purchase links...? -- hardly :-(